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Kataklizma - Lead Designer - 2017: CV
UI Layout.jpg

Kataklizma 2017


Major Production at AIE

During the last year of AIE, my role for the final project was to Design, Program and perform some visual Arts for Kataklizma.

As a VFX Artist - 
I developed all the visual effects using Particle emitters, and set a few up in prefab form to be reused and applied to other objects.

  • Snow

  • Fire

  • Lightning

  • Acid

  • Smoke

  • Debris (Incomplete)


As a Programmer -

I developed two major features such as "OnImpactWobble" and "Roulette Wheel Of Power". These features were not 100% complete but where in a functioning order that you could implement systems in which to use these in their full capacity's.


  • OnImpactWobble - When the building is hit, the force would be calculated by minimum and maximum creating variance of direction between 0 and 1 as the intended function. However the unintentional functionality is fun, as the building can move so crazy that it's awesome and fun to watch!

  • Roulette Wheel of Power - My most difficult to program item, I required assistance for looping to the origin location so the buttons would orientate correctly and look neat! All functionality was nearly finished and implemented, requested was a filter that would only allow one image across the range of slots to add variety and no chance of getting the exact same power-up more than once. This took 2D images and moved them, swapped them and reset the position to seamlessly loop and swap. It was stressful but once I knew what I could do after, I managed to Finnish the rest of the functionality.


As the Lead Designer -

I was instructed to give tasks to other designers and act as a guide to complete tasks. This role ended as soon as the Designer under my wings abandoned the team due to how much work he had to get done by the end of the year, and so I resumed been a Designer and Co-worker to Riley and Elijah when he came to assist in the projects development.

I took on a major role which i felt I had done nothing, but realized after from my logs and journal that i had played a significant part in the projects development schedule!


Software used -




Visual Studio C#


The period of time for the project was 16 - 18 weeks.


Design -


Michael (Myself)


William (Resigned)


Programming -




Art -






Kataklizma - Lead Designer - 2017: About
Kataklizma - Lead Designer - 2017: ProGallery_Widget
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